European Banking Federation – Financial Education Project Group (FEPG)

Members of the European Banking Federation (EBF) are the national bank associations of 32 countries, representing 4,500 banks – large and small, wholesale and retail, local and international.  In May 2013, the EBF Executive Committee approved the launch of the Financial Education Project Group (FEPG), a dedicated Group to promote financial education at European level. HBA/HBI participates actively in the group.


The main objective of FEPG is to promote financial education in European countries by raising public awareness on financial education and financial literacy through a series of events both at national and European levels, exchanging best practices, planning and coordinating an annual European Money Week, as well as cooperating with other interested/ policy-making parties (e.g. OECD/INFE, European Commission).  


The ultimate objective of FEPG is to improve the level of financial literacy in Europe, primarily targeting students at elementary and secondary schools, with a view to expanding the target group to include other social groups in the future. 


The fourth European Money Week will take place from 12 to 18 March 2018

The National  "European Money Quiz" competition will be held on Tuesday 13th March 2018 at 11:00 p.m.

EBF won the 2016 European Public Affairs Award for European Money Week

EMW 2016 Closing event - Greece: the HBA President and Secretary General discuss financial education on national TV  

Attached Files
Press release: EBF launches European Money Week [File PDF: 51 Kb]